曾經是美國歌壇中的金童玉女小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)和賽琳娜(Selena Gomez),從 2011 年交往到去年正式分手後就鮮少有互動,至少在公開場合兩人並沒有正面交談過,不過自從小賈斯汀面對起過去醜聞不斷的放蕩時期,終於向大眾表示要痛改前非的時刻開始,媒體們就紛紛注意起這兩位舊情人的互動,小賈斯汀也自 2013 年後終於再推出新歌,表現了他新的音樂事業企圖心,讓人感覺小賈這次真的不一樣了。

而之前 5 月就傳出小賈斯汀和賽琳娜私下一起參加了紐約 Hillsong 教堂的聚會,兩人即使不一定有復合的意願,但都是保有聯絡的好朋友,而這次更證明了這一點,在昨天晚上(10/17)網路上曝光了小賈斯汀和賽琳娜合唱的新歌《Strong》,讓粉絲大為興奮。


There’s no sophistication in my lack of patience
I’m just wishing you were better at communication
As I sit here steady waiting
Wishing that you would call my name in

Wishing I was better with the distance

It’s cause you’re the only one I’m really missing
Nobody else would be forgiving
Cause of all the love that you give me
All of the love that you give me
All of the love that you give me

Revival [Deluxe Edition]
Wishing I was better at this damn thing
Cause it’s just been too long and I can’t change
Wishing I was better at this damn thing
Cause it’s just been too long and I can’t change

Gotta be strong, strong, strong
Gotta be strong, strong, strong

What should I do? Should I go?
Who do I talk to? Nobody knows
Who knows the answer to all of my question
When will I get over this, over this

Wishing I was better with the distance

It’s cause you’re the only one I’m really missing
Nobody else would be forgiving
Cause of all that love that you give me
All of the love that you give me
All of the love that you give me
(Wishing I was better at this damn thing
Cause it’s just been too long and I can’t change)
Wishing I was better at this damn thing
Cause it’s just been too long and I can’t change

Gotta be strong, strong, strong
Gotta be strong, strong,strong
