加拿大創作歌手艾薇兒(Avril Lavigne)已經睽違 3 年沒有發表音樂作品,在去年年尾艾薇兒親自在 Instagram 上宣布自己將會在今年發行新專輯之後,艾薇兒廣大的死忠粉絲幾乎都歡天喜地,在 2017 年的年初先來了這一首新歌為艾薇兒的粉絲們止渴,那就是艾薇兒這一次為日本火紅的搖滾樂團 ONE OK ROCK 獻唱的新歌《Listen》!

▼ONE OK ROCK 發行新專輯《Ambitions》,除了與艾薇兒合作之外,另外還有與澳洲樂團到暑五秒(5 Seconds of Summer)合作的新歌《Take what you want》。

▼ONE OK ROCK 與艾薇兒新歌《Listen》搶聽,日本女歌手 Aimer 也為這首歌擔任背景和聲。


You always call me full of regret
You want me to save you again

All these years, the days go by
I've seen you fall a million times
Everybody makes mistakes

It feels so hard to watch you hurt
From the pain, a lesson learned
This is how you find your way

It feels so hard, I've been there too
Sky so dark, no way through
Stories only scars can tell

I've go so much love for you, my friend
Ride or die until the end
But only you can save yourself

You just have to listen, listen
I hope that you know
Listen, listen
I won't let you go
I wish you I could save you from the pain you've been through
And all I can tell you is the best thing to do
You've gotta listen, listen
Listen, listen
Listen, listen
To your heart

Listen, listen
Listen, listen

相信許多樂迷都可以感受出《Listen》這一首新歌,對於 ONE OK ROCK 與艾薇兒來說都是較流行搖滾的曲風,不過許多歌迷更期待艾薇兒的新專輯能夠延續回歸這一種搖滾曲風,尤其是她的歌聲依然相當有穿透力,期待艾薇兒的新作品能夠讓我們看見那一位龐克精靈!


1998 年 3 月 19 日。

2021 年 6 月 19 日。
